Monday, June 21, 2010


Yellowstone National Park was damaged by an extensive forest fire in 1988. One can still see the charred and fallen trees, so sad. Although it's not my favorite park, it is a wonderful place to view wildlife. But, to whet your appetite, I encountered many massive bull buffalo, a bull Elk with the most fantastic rack on his head, which was still in velvet, and a mother grizzly with three cubs all lying with the remains of a recent kill. The rangers had a telescope set up and I attempted to photograph the group through it. I haven't viewed the photos fully yet, but one looks like I was able to zoom in with a wonderful shot of the sow's head and yellow eyes (Sounded cool, didn't it, but it turned out to be nothing). I camped in Yellowstone, cold again, but lovely. A thunderstorm rushed past, early evening, but the stars shone over me later.

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