Thursday, April 3, 2014

Oh Ohio.

Great to be in the company of my Ohio friends once again:
To breakfast with Carol, then number tiles (don't know the real name of the game) with her 90-some year-old mother Ruth; not I'm addicted to the nameless game. The grand-daughter of Carol and Jan, Rachel Claire, helped me beat the britches off Ruth. That child's mind is faster than the internet.

There's a small community park near my friends' homes and Tuck and I have walked it several times; in-between me eating Skyline Chilli and UDF (United Dairy Farmer) Cherry Cordial ice cream (oy vey!). Yesterday we had the park to ourselves except for one woman. On her second turn around the track I asked her how many miles she walks. "Oh, sometimes I just have to get away and I come here and pray, enjoy the sun and the air." We shared some of our own joys then I said goodbye with "Peace to you Sister." "The same to you, my Sister," she replied. This lovely interaction was brighter than the sunny day for me.

I have always found the people of Ohio to be friendly and open; giving direct eye-contact on the street, in stores; accompanied with a smile and hello. Ohio remains a home to me.

Tuck and I also spent some time at one of my favorite places this week, Miami Whitewater Park. We walked the paths and watched a father pick a turtle out of the river and take pictures of it for his children. I was afraid he might try to keep it, so I hung around and requested he put it back in the river while I was there. I think he really didn't want to but I wasn't going to leave until he returned that beautiful turtle to its home.

Thunder storms rolled in two days ago. This morning I had to dodge lightening and downpours to take the dog out. Don't you know he refused to do his duty on such a day, so I was soaked through my raincoat.

I haven't taken pictures of the area because there are some earlier on my BlogSpot from a previous year and the trees are not yet budding.

I'm also sucking up the cable TV programs on these rainy days.

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